This section contains answers to frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions, send us the Contact form or call us on 00800 7070 9000 (freephone number)
How much does it cost to sponsor an operation for a child with cleft lip and palate?
The sponsorship contribution varies according to the severity of the cleft condition. Depending on the child you have selected, it is
- EUR 200.- / CHF 300.- for the treatment of a simple cleft condition
- EUR 400.- / CHF 600.- for the treatment of a moderately severe cleft condition
- EUR 800.- / CHF 1'200.-  for the complex treatment of a severe disability
How long does the sponsorship last?
Cleft children need years of treatment until they are completely restored. We cannot guarantee a long-term sponsorship, but will inform you whenever we receive information on your sponsored child.
Can I contact my sponsored child?
This is not envisaged, the sponsorship programme still being in the development stage. However, we are seeking to bring about an improvement.
Can I take on a second cleft children operation sponsorship?
Of course. Large numbers of cleft children need support.
I would like to visit a cleft centre in one of the countries affected. Is that possible?
We'd be delighted if you did! Please contact the managing director of Cleft Children International, Erica Schwob, tel. +41 43 222 59 10.
Are sponsorship contributions tax-deductible?
Cleft-Children International CCI and its sister organizations such as the Deutsche Cleft-Kinder-Hilfe e.V. have recognized charitable status. You can deduct your sponsorship contribution from taxes in accordance with prevailing laws. We will, of course, send you a tax clearance certificate for the tax authorities every year.
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